What is the purpose of ProPhilia?

Philosophical dissemination is currently in high demand in our society as evidenced by the multiplication of philosophical workshops in schools or philosophical cafes in cities, and even in the development of philosophical consulting businesses, among other initiatives..

An academic response to the social demand for conceptual thinking

The ProPhilia project is confident that this social demand for philosophy is not a demand for personal or spiritual development, but a demand for conceptual thinking. This demand for conceptuality can only be met by professionals who are grounded in the history of philosophy, general philosophy and philosophical methodology. The purpose of the ProPhilia project is to disseminate philosophy outside the walls of the university while maintaining its rigor and depth.

What is ProPhilia?

The ProPhilia project is the only university project in France devoted to the dissemination of philosophy in a broad sense. Its goal is to provide an academic response to the social demand for philosophy:

  1. By providing a professional framework for philosophical dissemination activities.
  2. By preparing philosophy students for these new professions.

Logo ProPhilia
Logo ProPhilia

Who supports ProPhilia?

ProPhilia - Practices of philosophical dissemination is a project led by the Department of Philosophy of Université Côte d'Azur and the publishing house Les petits Platons. It is supported by CREATES and by the Idex UCAjedi initiative of Université Côte d'Azur.

Logo Petits Platons
Logo Petits Platons

Logo Idex UCAjedi
Logo Idex UCAjedi