CREATES Graduate School - Arts and Humanities
CREATES, Creativity Transformation Emergence, offers degrees and conducts research in the humanities, social sciences and the arts, and more specifically in the following disciplines: the arts, literature, languages, cultures and civilizations, philosophy, epistemology, information and communication sciences, linguistics, history and archeology, anthropology and ethnology, business administration and management sciences, psychology, and educational sciences.
Key figures for CREATES
8 research laboratories
9 departments
1 doctoral school
7 art schools
CREATES offers more than 24 accredited master's degrees, 20 doctoral degrees at the SHAL Doctoral School (Societies, Humanities, Arts and Literature), including three in the specific field of artistic research (music, the arts and writing), and short training programs (residencies, summer schools), with national or international industrial partners or institutions (Vivendi/Canal, INA, Dolby©). All the master's degrees include optional courses that can be taken in other disciplines to allow students to combine and compare methodology courses. Multidisciplinary courses are also offered within each program.
Students are selected for both the master's and doctoral degree on the basis of their application file. In all its programs, CREATES aims for a high rate of success in further research, study or employability. It focuses on teaching transversal skills (such as data acquisition and statistical studies, interview techniques, logometry, geomatics and spatial analysis, etc.).
CREATES is home to more than 5,000 students, including 1,100 at the master's and doctoral level.
Les instances de l'EUR
L'EUR CREATES est organisée par 3 instances : un Comité de Pilotage, un Conseil d'Orientation Stratégique et un Comité de Suivi
CREATES governing bodies
CREATES is governed by 3 bodies: a Steering Committee, a Scientific and Educational Council and a Supervision Committee
Key members of the local public and private community are involved in the Graduate School
The City of Nice
Is a partner in the master’s degree in the arts and the bachelor’s degree in musicology and the performing arts and plays a part in the EMI program of the Infocom master's degree by co-organizing the "Mars aux Musées" program.
The City of Cannes and the Cannes Pays de Lérins Urban Community
Together with the South Region, they funded the construction of the new Cannes Campus dedicated to the creative industries, content creation, journalism and tourism.
National Audiovisual Institute
The Vivendi/Canal+ group
The group endowed a chair for two residencies in scriptwriting (one for films and the other for series) hosted by the City of Cannes. Both residencies grant an institutional degree.
The Dolby Group
Attracted by the new campus project in Cannes, the Dolby group decided to get involved with UCA in the new sound design degree and has agreed to sponsor the program by sharing its skills and equipment.