Missions of CREATES governing bodies

Steering Committee (CoPil)

The Steering Committee manages the Graduate School. Under the leadership of its director, it proposes and implements the strategy of CREATES.

Scientific and Educational Council - COSP

The COSP provides expertise, offers advice and input, and evaluates the educational policy to ensure its consistency with the Graduate School research policy.

Supervision committee

The CREATES Supervision Committee plays the specific role of incubator for the Graduate School, it explores, analyzes and proposes research and innovation projects in high-demand or expanding sectors.


The director is the driving force in implementing the Graduate School's development and innovation policy in terms of education and research.

Executive Bureau

The Executive Bureau oversees the Graduate School's day-to-day operations. Its main mission is to prepare, examine and ensure the implementation of the decisions of the Graduate School's governing bodies.

Legal statutes of Graduate Schools

CREATES Graduate School is a component without legal personality of Université Côte d'Azur.

Download the legal statutes of CREATES

Composition of the governing bodies of CREATES